Date d'ouverture: 16-06-2023
Date de clôture: 07-07-2023
Budget prévisionnel: 1 200 000 000 Fcfa
N°: 04/ONIT/KCC/MEME/KCCITB/2023 OF 07/6/2023
Relatif à
As part of the achievement of the objective of complete cleanliness of the City of KUMBA, for the years 2023, the Mayor of the City of KUMBA, Project Owner, is launching on behalf of his City, an Open National Invitation to Tender for the pre-collection of household municipal solid waste from inaccessible points, transportation to accessible fix points, cleaning and dredging of water way and gutters in the Kumba City Council Municipality, MEME DIVISION in the SOUTH-WEST Region.