1. Objet
Within the frame work of the MINTP budget, fiscal year 2020 the Mayor of the Elak Council (project owner),hereby launches by Emergency procedure, an open national invitation to tender, for the construction of bridges in Oku municipality-Bui Division.
2. Consistance des prestation
The works, which mainly include the following in exhaustive list of operation The installation site;
- Preliminary work;
The general earth works;
- Foundation, abutment, piers, beam, deck, banks.
3. Coût prévisionnel
No °LOT |
Road |
Length(ml |
Nature of the work |
Amount |
01 | chAKE-FEBWE | 05 | Construction of bridge over river JioKaka | 7 908 056 |
02 | chAKE-FEBWE | 05 | Constructionof bridge over river Fejio Ngon | 7 908 056 |
03 | MBAM-OKU | 08 | Construction of bridge across the Mfeu stream | 19 229 849 |
04 | ALON GKEVU-LAND ROAD | 06 | Construction of bridge over river Land | 24 911 049 |
4. Délai de livraison
The rain water drainage the delivery deadline provided for by the project owner the realization of the works is works is four(04) months as from the date of notification of the service order including the starting date of the works or on the date indicated in the service order.
5. Allotissement
No °LOT |
Road |
Length(ml |
Nature of the work |
Amount |
01 | chAKE-FEBWE | 05 | Construction of bridge over river JioKaka | 7 908 056 |
02 | chAKE-FEBWE | 05 | Constructionof bridge over river Fejio Ngon | 7 908 056 |
03 | MBAM-OKU | 08 | Construction of bridge across the Mfeu stream | 19 229 849 |
04 | ALON GKEVU-LAND ROAD | 06 | Construction of bridge over river Land | 24 911 049. |
6. Participation et origine
Lots |
Lot 1 |
Lot 2 |
Lot 3 |
Lot 4 |
Maximum amount of bid bonds(frs CFA) | 158161 | 158161 | 384597 | 498221 |
7. Financement
The works which form the subject of this invitation to tender are financed by MINTP Budget, Road Fund Line,Year of 2020
8. Consultation du dossier
The file may be consulted during working hours at the Service of Contract for Elak Council, as soon as the notice is published.
9. Acquisition du dossier
The file may be consulted during working hours at the OKU city council, General Secretary(secretariat de la commission interne de passation des marches public)CIPM as soon as the notice is published, against presentation of a payment receipt of a non-refundable sum of Seventy five
10. Remise des offres
Presentation of offersThis bids must, under pain of being rejected, be conformity with the prescription of the rules and regulations in force, particular with article 24 of the code, and article20-24 of the general conditions of the tender file. Each bidder must produce his bid in seven(07) copies including six(06)original copies. Each bid must be drafted in English or in French, and [resented in a single packet containing three sub-bids ( one for the administrative volumes, one for the technical volume sand one for the financial, volumes),the single package must be closed and sealed and bear the following sole inscription.
Under pain of being rejected, each offer should reach, not later that the16/11/2020 at 10 am prompt, local time, the Elak council, general secretary(secretariat de la commission interne de passation des marches public)CIPM.
11. Cautionnement provisoire
Under pain of being rejected, the other required administrative documents must imperatively be produce only in originals or in true certified copies certified, by any competent authority in accordance with the law in force.
they must be obligatory not be older than three(03)months before the deadline set for the submission of the bid, or must not have been produced after the date the invitation to tender noticed was signed.
Any offer not inconformity with the prescription of this notice and tender file document shall be declared inadmissible. Especially the absent of a bid bond issued by a first rate-bank, or the non-respect of the models of the tender file documents, shall lead to a pure and simple rejection of the offer.
12. Ouverture des plis
The opening of bids(bids, sub-bids,and sub-package) shall be done in one phrase, in the meeting room at the Elak council, first floor, on the 16/11/2020 at 11 ,local time, by the internal tender board, in the presence of bidders or in the presence of their duly designated person representatives.
10-2 reading the eventual rebates indicated in article 25.3 of the general conditions of invitation to tender is obligatory, in the same form as those of the financial bids and of all previously sited elements.
The bidder must take all useful measures in order to be sufficiently represented in the bid opening sessions, so that he shall valuably defend his offer and his right
13. Critères d’évaluation
The evaluation of offers must be done in the three levels (administrative, technical and financial) through the elementary criteria, and through the main qualification conditions laid via binary method of “yes” or “No”
.11.1particular elementary criteria:In addition to the cases in the offer’s elimination or in admissibility already mentioned through this tender file, all offers subject to the following cases shall equally suffer elimination or in admissibility .Absence or non conformity of an element in the administrative file if not rectified within 48 hours; Deadline for delivery higher than prescribed; False declaration, forged or scanned documents;
A bid with the external envelope carrying a sign or mark leading to the identification of the bidder. Two Bids with the same personnel Incomplete financial file Absence of bid bond Technical assessment mark lower than 75% of “Yes”
.11.2 Main qualification criteria The evaluation of technical offers shall be based on the qualification criteria stated here-in-after, with more details in the tender file(notably Particular Regulation of the Tender call):
- General presentation of the tender files;
- References of the company in similar achievements; Experience of supervisory staff;
- Logistics (Equipment);
- Methodology;
- Financial capacity;
- Attestation of site visit signed by the contractor.
- Report of site visit signed by the Contractor with pictures
- The Special Technical Clauses(SIC).(Each page should be Initialed and the last page signed and stamped);
- Special Administrative Clauses completed (each page should be initialed and the last page signed and stamped);
- Pre- Financing capacity not less than75% of the amount required in the offer the essential criteria are subjected to minima whose detail is given in the Special Regulation of the Invitation to tender (RPAO). The technical qualification shall be obtained after satisfaction of the five (05) above mentioned essential criteria. In the absence of bids having satisfied the five (05) criteria, the best bids should be examined one after the other, in view of, if possible, an alternative qualification, with rigour, objectivity and equity, in order to all ow at P^xwssyc
The end, if possible, in the interest of the project, an alternative awarding for the present best bid, on technical and financial plans.
11.4.Financial evaluation:
The financial evaluation will be based on the corrected amount of the bidder’s offer, it will consist in the analysis of the coherence in prices, as well as the verification of the calculations and the total, and all the related prescriptions. It will involve the analysis of the technical and financial coherence of the offer and of the prices proposed.
14. Attribution
At the end of the different deliberations, the award of the contract shall be done to the bidder having presented offers on conformity, administratively,technical, financial and evaluated as being financially the lowest bid.
15. Durée de validité des offres
Bidders wilier main committed to their offers during ninety(90)days, from the initial deadline set for the submission of the tenders
16. Renseignements complémentaires
Complementary information may be obtained during working hours from the OKU Council, General Secretary at the first floor, BP 13 ELAK, TEL:65590310.
BAMENDA le 16 Octobre 2020