1. Objet
2. Consistance des prestation
The Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) {Employer) hereby requests you to submit a quotation for the following works:
The construction of storage facility for oxen and tools for the operationalization of 7 demonstration plots in the following locations: Fundong, Tadii, Misaje/Dumbu, Santa (CoffTee Estate), Wum(WADA) Gwofon and Babuiigo in North West Region of Cameroon
Please note, however, that a firm which has been associated with the firm that prepared the design, or specifications, or engaged in the preparation of the Project or a firm that will provide supervision of the Works for the Employer, shall not be eligible for the execution of the Works.
To assist in the preparation of your price quotation, the necessary specifications, bill of quantities and drawings, form for submitting the quotation and a draft contract form are enclosed. You are advised to visit the site of the works at your own expense, and obtain necessary information for preparing your quotation.
3. Coût prévisionnel
You must have experience as a prime contractor in the construction of at least one work of the nature and complexity equivalent to the works included in this Request for Quotation over the last three years as evidenced by a client’s certificate of completion, and provide evidence of availability of financial resources to successfully complete the works in the amount of 20 000 000 FCFA. Otherwise, your offer will not be considered further.
4. Délai de livraison
Your quotation shall be valid for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of submission.
5. Participation et origine
ENERGIE AFRIQUE SARL P.O Box 34666 YAOUNDE; Tel 222 76 98 15
« SOCAFAVEF P.O Box 631 DOUALA, Tel: 677 75 45 10
POWEL & POWEL, P.O Box 632 DOUALA; Tel 695 43 57 35
6. Financement
The Employer intends to apply funds from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) for eligible payments under the Contract resulting from this Request for Quotations.
7. Consultation du dossier
Your quotation in the attached format should be signed, sealed in an envelope and addressed to and delivered at the following address;
Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LTFIDEP)
Ayaba street, P.O Box 142, Mankon, Bamenda.
Telephone: 691 046 397
E-mail: lifidepnwr@,
8. Remise des offres
Your quotation in duplicate and written in English or French language shall be for the whole works and based on the unit and total price indicated in the filled-iii Bill of Quantities.
Currency of quoted prices and payment shall be in Francs CFA. The quotation shall include all duties, local taxes and other levies payable by the contractor in accordance with the local laws. In case ofany discrepancy between theoriginal and duplicate, the original shall prevail
You shall submit one original of the Price Quotation with the Form of Quotation, and clearly marked “Original”. In addition, you shall also submit six (6) copies marked as “COPY”. In case of any discrepancy between the Original and Copy, the original shall govern
Your quotation including Form of Quotation and filled-in Section 2 Priced Bill of Quantities should be submitted by 09/11/2020 at 10.00 am.
9. Cautionnement provisoire
10. Ouverture des plis
The quotations shall be opened in public in the presence of contractors’ representatives who choose to attend, 19/11/2020 at 11.00 am at the following address.
Conference Room, Ground Floor, Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) Building Ayaba street, P.O Box 142, Mankon, Bamenda.
11. Critères d’évaluation
Under IsDB’s Anticorruption Policy bidders shall observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. IsDB will reject a proposal for award, and will impose sanctions on parties involved, if it determines that the bidder recommended for award or any other party, has engaged in corrupt, or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, the Contract as specified in the Guidelines for Procurement of Goods, Works and
related Services under Islamic Development Bank Project Financing, September 2018. At the time of submission of your quotation, you should not be in IsDB’s sanctions list.
Please be informed of IsDB’s policy on Procurement Related Complaints as stipulated in the above mentioned Guidelines (Annex C).
In evaluating the quotations, the Employer will adjust for any arithmetical errors as follows:
(a) Where there is a discrepancy between amounts in figures and in words, the amount in words will govern;
(b) where there is a discrepancy between the total price in the Priced Activity Schedule (or Bill of Quantities) or the quoted amount indicated in the Form of Quotation, the total price in the Priced Activity Schedule (or Bill of Quantities) shall govern;
(c) where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern; and
(d) if you refuse to accept the correction, your quotation will be rejected.
12. Attribution
The Employer will award the contract to the Contractor whose quotation has been determined to be substantially responsive to this Request for Quotation and who has offered the lowest evaluated price quotation. A quotation is not substantially responsive if it contains material deviations or reservations to the terms, conditions, and specifications in this Request for Quotation, and it will not be considered further. The Employer will evaluate and compare only the quotations determined to be substantially responsive.
The contract will be governed by the terms and conditions of the attached Form of Contract.
13. Durée de validité des offres
The bidder whose quotation has been accepted will be notified of the award of contract through the Letter of Acceptance issued by the Employer within 30 days from the date of submission of quotation
If you withdraw your quotation during the validity period and/or refuse to accept the award of a contract when and if awarded subject to paragraph 7 above, then you will be excluded from the list of contractors for the project for two years.
14. Renseignements complémentaires
Please be informed of IsDB’s policy on Procurement Related Complaints as stipulated in the above mentioned Guidelines (Annex C).
Please Confirm by fax/e-mail the receipt of this request and whether or not you will submit the price quotation(s).
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